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Any Suggestions for Care and Maintenance of Dome Structures?


Like any large investment item such as a car, boat, or home, the geodesic dome requires ongoing care and maintenance over the years to get the longest possible functional life.

When you rent geodesic dome tent structures or buy them, there are various questions you have to answer to make sure the geodesic dome you get is best-suited to your actual needs. However, that’s just one issue for the tent owner. Another issue that should not be neglected is geodesic dome care and maintenance. It ensures that your geodesic dome will be in good condition when maintained on an annual basis.

In most cases, people only think that shaking off the surface dirt is enough. You should keep in mind that fabric domes are not typical textiles. They are made from specialty fabrics like Canvas and PVC Vinyl which will require far more care and upkeep. To find out how to protect your multi-hundred-dollar or even multi-thousand-dollar investment, we are providing some recommended care and maintenance that you can and not do. When you adopt a proper maintenance procedure for your geodesic domes, they will remain as good as new and ensure the longest possible functional life.

List Of Suggested Maintenance Procedure That You Can Do

Dome Cover

  • Do regularly brush off dirt and debris from your geodesic dome skin and check for any unusual wear and tear or other obvious changes or damage while it is in use.
  • Do regularly check for any frequently used areas, such as around doors, and door zipper seams for wear or damage.
  • Do treat the seams of your dome tent regularly and make sure they are not coming apart, including the seams of two tarpaulins and two or more dome structures. If they are, have them repaired as soon as possible.
  • Do clean and lubricate your door and window zippers on a regular basis and ensure dust and sand don’t eat away at the metal.
  • Do clean your dome cover twice a year, or as needed, with a soft sponge, mild soap, and warm water. Or you can ask a professional cleaning company or clean machines to do the job. If you want to wash your dome cover by yourself, we recommend asking your geodesic dome supplier which cleaning products you can use on the vinyl fabric.
  • Do ensure your dome dries completely before storing or after being washed, as damp fabrics can create an ideal environment for mildew or mold to grow and cause staining of the fabric.

Dome Frame

  • Do regularly check for tightness of structural nuts and bolts of the dome structure. Tighten, if necessary.
  • Do keep your frame dry completely before storing.
  • Do one thorough inspection every six months, or as needed of your dome frame. The worn parts need to be repaired or replaced.
Geodesic Dome Care And Maintenance

List Of Things That You Should Not Do

Dome Cover

  • Do not use harsh chemicals or cleaning solvents on your dome fabric. It will change the fabric’s color and damage the vinyl performance like UV and water resistance.
  • Do not keep your dome tent wet for a long time or store it in a wet or damp place.
  • Likewise, do not leave your tent exposed to direct sunlight for long periods, which will cause aging and shorten the durability of the fabric.
  • Do not use paper towels or other paper products to clean the vinyl windows. It will tend to scratch the surface finish.
  • Do not use scrubbing brushes or sponges to wash your dome tent cover. Always respect the delicate nature of a fabric-covered dome.

Dome Frame

  • Do not let dust and bacteria accumulate on the dome frame.
  • Do not hang something that will probably exceed the weight allowance. Excess force may cause damage to the steel frame.


The care and maintenance of your geodesic dome will depend on many factors, such as the location and climate, type of usage, and the required equipment. For those well-equipped dome structures, dome tent owners should also conduct a general visual inspection of wall insulation, water pipe, and heating and cooling system. Take action, if necessary.

We do not expect you to be subjected to any of these issues, but regular checkups and appropriate and timely maintenance are recommended. By following these simple and preventative maintenance procedures, you’ll ensure that your dome will avoid any larger problems and keep performing. Only a well-maintained dome structure can last for years.

For more information on geodesic dome care and maintenance or to place an order for a low-maintenance and long-lasting dome product, please contact us. Shelter Dome is always available to assist you if needed.

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