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How to Build a Geodesic Dome? What Equipment Do I Need?


Guide for building a dome

Each size dome has its appropriate equipment option. When you decide on building your geodesic dome, you should take into consideration the most effective and safe method. The number-one priority coming in is making sure that you define the size of your structure and the location where you want to put it. Then you can choose the required tools and equipment more easily according to your dome structure and your budget. The smaller the dome, the fewer tools you may need; the bigger the dome, the heavier the frame and cover and the more expensive equipment you may need.

guide & shelter dome

The gadgets you may need in building a small geodesic dome like a diameter 5m dome tent are socket wrenches, hammers, ladders, and so on. When it comes to a large dome tent like 27m dome construction, it will require heavy machinery like forklifts and cranes. You can refer to the following table:

DiameterLadderMaterial LiftScissor LiftVariable Reach ForkCrane
3 - 5 m    
6 - 10 m   
11 - 20 m    
21 - 27 m  Optional
28 - 40 m    


All required heavy equipment can be rented locally. You can adjust the equipment according to your job. If you are building it yourself or hiring your own crew, our professional team can guide you in obtaining the proper equipment for the job. Please contact us for more information. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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