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Eco-Opulence Revealed: The Good Dome Shed Glamping Haven in Baggio

Project Details:

Project:Good Shed & Dome Glamping
Construction Duration:twelve months
Industry:Glamping Dome
Dome Specifications:2 sets of D6H3 model, 4 sets of D7H3.5 model
Key Features:glass entrances, solar ventilation fans, drapes
Location:Baggio City, Cordillera Region, Philippines
Good Shed & Dome Glamping Dome Tent (1)

Project inception of Good Shed & Dome Glamping


The patron possessed a 500 square meter plot in Baggio City, within the Cordillera Region of the Philippines, an area celebrated for its temperate climate, mesmerizing mountainous vistas, and deeply rooted cultural legacy. Dubbed as the "Summer Capital" of the Philippines, Baggio City is a magnet for both domestic and international explorers annually. In this tourist magnet, the patron aspired to leverage the land assets to birth tourism-centric initiatives, offering visitors a distinctive and cozy alfresco camping escapade. To realize this aspiration, a quest commenced for a plethora of tent designs for utilization at camping locales, aiming to metamorphose the land into a captivating camping enclave.


Initially, the client showed lukewarm interest in dome tents, however, through dialogues, it became apparent that the Philippine camping arena is predominantly occupied by conventional hunting tents, leading to a highly competitive landscape. This insight spurred the idea of employing a novel dome tent to carve a niche against other camping venues. Post an in-depth exploration and deliberation, the client found the dome tent’s longevity, modest upkeep costs, and an array of accessory choices like ventilation fans and windows appealing. These attributes not only enrich the lodging ambiance for tourists but also unfurl more avenues for internal space creativity. Post-discussion, the client settled on two dimensions of dome tents, 6m and 7m, to foster product diversification.

Good Shed Dome


  • In the project's nascent phase, multiple options were weighed before zeroing in on two dome tent dimensions.
  • With three locales earmarked beforehand, the approval trajectory was notably abbreviated, resulting in time conservation.
  • Post product affirmation, a task force was swiftly assembled to refine and elevate the adjacent milieu, alongside prompt clearing of potential hurdles.
  • Guided by comprehensive construction blueprints, the client managed to culminate the tent erection within a week's time.


Amid the summer construction timeline, the endeavor stumbled upon various challenges:

Humidity quandaries:

Baggio City, perched in an elevated zone in the Philippines, encounters soaring humidity during summer, leading to persistent indoor dampness that's tricky to alleviate.
Moisture accumulation triggers water droplets on the dome tent's transparent segments, marring the transparency and aesthetic allure of the tent.

Inadequate dampness alleviation strategies:

Heeding our counsel, the client promptly activated the exhaust fan and cooling units to combat moisture, albeit the grave humidity levels rendered these measures less effective.
This scenario led to project operation postponements and escalated the operational expenditure.

Seasonal enhancements:

The advent of winter ushered in a dip in humidity, significantly ameliorating the indoor dampness scenario.
The lower winter humidity coupled with refined dampness alleviation tactics facilitated the dome tent's operation to regain normalcy, paving the way for the project's successful fruition.

Operational impact:

Post-winter, the project's operational landscape enhanced, and the dome tent started demonstrating promising operational outcomes.

Good Shed Dome
Good Shed Dome

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